Food for Thought

I’ve always loved nature and the outdoors, but birds were a relatively new discovery for me. And when I first began paying close attention to them, I must admit that I found it all quite overwhelming. But I loved seeing the birds, watching their delicate movements and slowly beginning to understand their distinctive characters. Learning to love and appreciate their individual quirks left me wanting more.
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For me, noticing nature, birds and wildlife was something that helped me accept and grow from 2020. On our once-allowed daily walks, noticing birds was my way of slowing down, and finding a sense of calm and joy in and amongst the craziness.
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Birds. We walk past so many of them every day. For those of us lucky enough to have a garden, we see them all the time. I’d like to think that if I spent the whole day watching for birds outside my window, I would probably see hundreds of them flit in and out.
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